Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Slight change of plans

Instead of posting the whole drama of "Coffee Prince" at the bottom of this blog, I'll only post the first episode (there are four parts for most of the episodes). If you really want to watch the rest of the drama, you can go to mysoju.com and view the following episodes there. Anyway, I watched the first part of the "Coffee Prince Special," and unfortunately, it wasn't a mini-sequel/epilogue type thing. It's sort of like a behind-the-scenes kind of thing. If you're interested, here it is:

Anyway, I've been writing about a dream I had recently, and it's currently saved as a draft. I'll probably post it tomorrow or later this week. :)


Holly said...

Sounds good to me (the change of plans).

It's so weird seeing that you posted that on the 16th, when it's still the 15th here.

Rebecca Joy said...

Yeah, the time difference really is disorienting. I like to think I'm in the future or something, but maybe you guys are just in the past, while I'm in the present. ;)