Saturday, September 20, 2008


I hope I don't have reason to rant anymore. I don't want to rant anymore. It's just depressing, really, after the initial satisfication. No more of that, now, I hope. (Please?!)

Anyway, I usually wake up around seven on school days, do whatever I do to get ready for the day, and leave around 7:30ish. So this morning, I looked at the clock and did what everybody probably did sometimes during their life, at least once (if not, that's just unnatural). I looked at the clock and... guess what? It was exactly at 7:30. Exactly. I was like: great. Now I'm late. Why didn't anyone wake me up? Why is my day already showing symptoms of being horrible? This is too unfair.

And then I realized: the house (I mean, apartment) is way too quiet. I check, and everyone is sleeping. No school today? But why? And then of course I realize it's Saturday. I know it's Friday in America, and everyone's probably eating dinner or something. So I just sat there, looking dumb and tired, with my hair all poofy and messy, and my eyes all squinty, and I'm like half-asleep, but I'm in that middle place where you can't really wake up or go back to sleep, so instead, I just come to blog about it here, with all these run-ons and horrible grammar. So yeah. Wakey, wakey! (as my biology teacher, who's from England, would say........)


Q said...

Once I got up and took a shower, only to look at the clock when I got back to my room and see that it was 12:08. Oops. I was very tired, and I guess I didn't realize what I was doing.

Rebecca Joy said...

The longest shower I ever took was probably around thirty minutes, give or take. :)

Anonymous said...

I woke up a bit after midnight once and was terrified that I was going to be late for school. Somehow, I managed to get there on time.

Q said...

Sorry, I meant 12:08 AM. I went back to bed.