Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Morning: get up, go to school

Late Morning: *brainwashed*

Noon: *yum, lunch, munch, munch*

Early Afternoon: *brainwashed*

Late Afternoon: *half-dead*

Evening: *ehhh?*

Night: *dead*


Holly said...

Haha. :) Good job resurrecting yourself every morning.

~Firefly~ said...

That's exactly how I felt today after Yearbook. Ready. To. Die.

Oh well... Tis a season. I must remind my self of that :P

Rebecca Joy said...

Cuileann- *bows* The most important thing for an LRRHer is to know how to revive one's self... ;)

Firefly- I was going to do yearbook, but... Well, I knew that if I joined yearbook, I'd die twice as much as I normally do. ;)