Saturday, September 6, 2008

Going crazy

I'm going crazy. I have three different blogs, and am a contributor to a fourth. And they're all hosted on three different blog hosts; this is my first personal Blogger blog. I feel kind of intimidated - WordPress, Livejournal, and Blogger are all so different, and I'm not sure which I like the best (although I must say that Blogger gives much more freedom (for free!) with layouts and customization than the other two blog hosts).

I think this will be a blog dedicated to writing, or things related to writing. Not so much a journal or personal blog, like my WordPress one. Or maybe I'll just write about my day or something like it's a story, like I'm watching myself and recording whatever on this blog. I'm not exactly sure yet. I guess I'll experiment for a while, and then I'll decide what to do with this blog.

I think that this craziness is a result of my restlessness and, um, me procrastinating. I love and hate procrastinating - it's evil, but I love evilness in general anyway. It twists my mind around and around, winding it up so tight that I can't really tell what's going on anymore. *Is suddenly very dizzy*

See? The horrible effects of procrastination. And then there are the academic effects: bad grades, blank tests, unfinished essays, etc. Lucky me. ;)


~Firefly~ said...

I really like blogger back grounds too. Much more then on Wordpress. BUT I love Wordpress for the pages and ease with which I can build a site so... It's a compromise. Beautiful background, by the way :) Did you make it?

~Firefly~ said...

This is Danielle btw :)

Rebecca Joy said...

Nope, didn't make it (but I wish I did!) The link is on my sidebar somewhere, under "Acknowledgements."

There are pros and cons to everything, definitely. :)