Sunday, September 7, 2008

I've seen this floating around, so...

I am: a procrastinator.
I know: very little.
I have: a school uniform.
I wish: I wasn't so sad.
I hate: shallowness.
I miss: feeling like I belong.
I fear: many things.
I feel: like I have very little time for anything.
I hear: the tick-tock of the clock.
I smell: like Vietnamese food (just had some for lunch - at least it was different than Korean...)
I crave: a good, juicy cheeseburger.
I search: for friendship.
I wonder: what is my purpose?
I regret: past decisions.
I love: love.
I am not: content.
I believe: in God.
I dance: hardly.
I sing: when I want to.
I cry: because I'm human.
I don't always: know what's going on.
I fight: my emotions, but they always win.
I write: horribly.
I win: when I'm lucky.
I lose: when I'm unlucky.
I never: will be a teacher.
I always: feel tired.
I confuse: myself.
I listen: to people's troubles, even when they won't listen to mine...
I can usually be found: sitting somewhere, staring off into space, thinking about nothing in general.
I am scared: that I won't be accepted.
I need: more books.
I am happy about: the fact that it's the weekend.
I imagine: what it's like to be free.


Holly said...

Funny how people can be so intent on making themselves heard that they spend no time listening to other people. Sometimes I feel like that makes a world almost completely full of people just clamoring to be heard, and a few people who will listen but never find someone to return the favor for them!

It gives me a headache thinking about it. You deserve someone who will listen to you.

Rebecca Joy said...

Thanks, Cuileann. :)